Bomadek sp. z o.o. is carrying out its project, co-funded by the European Cohesion Fund, under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020, measure 1.6 Promoting the use of high-efficiency cogeneration of heat and power based on useful heat demand, sub-measure 1.6.1 Sources of high-efficiency cogeneration, Priority I Reduction of emissions. Project name: High-efficiency cogeneration source of 0,8 MW power with necessary technical infrastructure for the facility of Bomadek spółka z o.o. in Trzebiechów. The aim of the project is to construct a combined installation to produce electrical and heat energy (cogeneration) based on the heat demand at the facility. As a result, the facility will gain additional capacity to produce electrical and heat energy through high-efficiency cogeneration at the level of 1,65 MW, increase the efficiency of using primary energy and reduce emissions resulting from the production of the used electrical energy generated by a gas powered device.
Project value: 3 137 730,00 PLN
Founding amount: 939 900,00 PLN
Project execution deadline: 15.10.2020 – 30.06.2022